Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero)
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Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero). PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau sering disebut dengan nama BNI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perbankan yang beroperasi sebagai perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di Indonesia. Dalam struktur manajemen organisasinya, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, dipimpin oleh seorang Direktur Utama yang saat ini dijabat oleh Royke Tumilaar.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk – saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk menepati posisi berikut :
1. Officer Development Program (ODP) Auditor
Requirements :
- S1/S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies
- Minimum GPA: 3.00 (S1) or 3.25 (S2)
- Maximum Age: 26 years old (S1) or 28 years old (S2)
- Proficient in English and submit your in the application (TOEFL/IELTS), we only accept score provided by official/authorized institution and valid
- The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year)
- No direct (nuclear) family currently working as an active employee of BNI
2. Officer Development Program(ODP) IT
Requirements :
- S1/S2 from reputble universities with relevant field of studies
- Minimum GPA: 3.00 (S1) or 3.25 (S2)
- Maximum Age: 26 years old (S1) or 28 years old (S2)
- Proficient in English and submit your score in the application (TOEFL/IELTS), we only accept score provide by official/authorized institution and valid
- The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year)
- No direct (nuclear) family currently working as an active employee of BNI
Specific for ODP IT :
- S1/S2 from reputable University with relevant field of studies: Information System, Computer Science/System/Engineering, Informatic Engineering
- Mastering the Programming Language that suits the company needs
- Having a skill to design and tools/system development
- Has experience in developing IT Tools and System in Banking or other Non-Banking financial industries
3. Officer Development Program (ODP) General Banking
Requirements :
- S1/S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies
- Minimum GPA: 3.00 (S1) or 3.25 (S2)
- Maximum Age: 26 years old (S1) or 28 years old (S2)
- Proficient in English and submit your in the application (TOEFL/IELTS), we only accept score provided by official/authorized institution and valid
- The current status is not married and willing to not get married during the program (1 year)
- No direct (nuclear) family currently working as an active employee of BNI
Tahapan Rekrutmen
- Seleksi Administrasi
- Interview User & HR
- On The Job Training
Berkas Lamaran:
- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae/Data Riwayat Hidup
- Pas Foto ukuran 4×6 berwarna
- Ijasah terakhir
- Surat Referensi dari institusi/perusahaan tempat bekerja sebelumnya
- Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
- Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku
Jika Anda Memiliki Keriteria Di atas Silkan Kirimkan CV dan Lamaran serta berkas pendukung lainya di Bawah ini:
Posisi 1 : Daftar
Posisi 2 : Daftar
Posisi 3 : Daftar
Pendaftran Paling Lambat –
Sumber Informasi : @bni_selebgram
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